A bit about me.
I look forward to learning all about YOU and your baby!
I see the awesome power and messy grace of birthing and parenting. I have been supporting birthing and new families since 2002 and these years have taught me that there are a million ways of "getting it right." My job is to dispel myths, explain options, validate, and honor each person's choices.
My "birthy" career began when I took a childbirth class and found the content fascinating but the delivery flat. I knew I could do it better and soon I got the "nudge" to make big life changes in the aftermath of 9/11. While my loved ones and I were safe that day - I was just off maternity leave and back to a job with an office a few blocks from the World Trade Center - I felt a calling to dedicate to something more "meaningful." I got certified and began teaching birth preparation classes and LOVED it. Since then, I have added Hypnobirthing, birth doula, yoga teacher and finally the crown jewel of IBCLC.
Lactation Specific Trainings:
Oral Habilitation of the Breastfeeding Dyad A Master Class: November 2023
Structure & Function Comprehensive Infant Assessment: September 2023
Gentle Manual Therapeutic Techniques in Lactation with Maya Bolman: June 2023
Advanced Clinical Concepts in Lactation Therapy with Lisa Lahey: June 2023
Pumping and Feeding Gear with Jeanette Mesite-Frem: June 2023
Enneagram 7. Mom of 4 adult children and 2 Boston Terriers. New Grandma.
When I am not working you will find me in a yoga class, on a hike, or at a Life Time Fitness.
If I could swim in a warm ocean or blue, blue water every day, I feel like I would.